Hi Friends ,
aftera loooong time i am posting a milestone on this blog , earlier i used to when i reach number of visitors . the blog grew slowly in last 2 year from
10 visitors a day, 100 visitors a day , 500 visitor a day & now daily 2000 plus visitors .but the biggest thing today is this blog has 1000 email & feed subscribers now .see this
if you have not subscribed yet then do it now & receive every post in your email.
Thank you all for making this blog a big success. ill continue to post more interesting shayaris & poem here.

Heeren Tanna
Hum Jale To Chirag SamaJh Baithe, Mehke To Sab Gulaab SamaJh Baithe,
Lafzo Me Kisi Ne Mere Dard Na Dekha,Shayri Padhi Aur Shayar SamaJh Baithe.
Comments 1
Ultimate, and nice words are present in this.