A ‘Mother’ is that special creation of the Almighty God whom He has gifted with the unique power of giving life to a living being. No one can repay the debt of a mother. But we can certainly honor our mothers and bring smile on their faces by celebrating the special Mother’s Day. Celebrate this mothers day in a unique way.
Mothers are the sweetest gift from Gods to us. There is no way we can ever really thank our mother for all she does for us nevertheless we must make it a habit to keep reminding ourselves of the various sacrifices she made while raising us. Mothers’ Day is the best time to say in words how much you love and care for your mum.
Make your Mother’s Day bright by sending her your warmest and heartfelt messages. Come on…Don’t shy. Think of some beautiful words, for we all all owe our Mothers a Big Thank You Message!!
Mums are like angels they look after you watch you grow but most importantly they love you
M is for the million things she gives me.
O means only that she’s soft to hold.
T for the things she tries to teach me.
H is for her heart of purest gold.
E for her eyes with love light shining.
R means right and right she’ll always be.
God made mothers smile out of sunshine
And he molded her heart out of gold
In her eyes he placed bright shining stars
In her cheek, roses, you see….
God made a wonderful mother
And he gave that dear mother to me
Thanks mom, luv ya lots like jelly tots
I just want to say that my mom is the best, luv u
If the friend is one, who can sense your emotions by sheer instinct.
If a techer is the one, who knows just how to mould you into the best person you can make….Then I am lucky for sure. …Because I have them all in someone, who is truly my own – My Mom
The way you twisted fairy tales, to suit my mood at that time, The way you clubbed two dishes in one, making it my favourite..Mom, I wonder, how you managed to blend your thoughts and efforts with, so much of love. I love the way you love me.
There is no one like a mother and, no mother quite like you. You are so very thoughtful and caring, and I just wanted to thank you mother, for making my life brighter.
“There is no velvet so soft as a mother’s lap, no rose as lovely as her smile, no path so flowery as that imprinted with her footsteps.”
~ Archibald Thompson
All you love, all your caring ways, all your giving these years are the reasons why my heart thinks of you on Mothers Day with a wish for happiness and a world full of love.
Today is a very special time to let a mother know she is always treasured in the hearts of those who love her so.
Your arms were always open when I needed a hug. Your heart understood when I needed a friend. Your gentle eyes were stern when I needed a lesson. Your strength and love has guided me and gave me wings to fly.
~ Sarah Malin
I love you as my mother. I respect you as a woman. I trust you as my friend. You mean so much to me and I’m so lucky to have you. Happy Mothers Day.
Today is one special day of year,
Let’s celebrate!
Happy Mother’s Day!
From Shushanik
Happy Mother’s Day to you. Thanks for bringing me to school not late.
With love
From Tyler Roy
My mother is always with me…
She’s the whisper of the leaves
as you walk down the street.
She’s the smell of bleach
in your freshly laundered socks.
She’s the cool hand on your brow
when you’re not well.
Your mother lives inside your laughter.
She’s crystallized in every tear drop.
She’s the place you came from,
your first home…
She’s the map you follow
with every step that you take.
She’s your first love
and your first heart break…
and nothing on earth can separate you.
Not time, Not space…
Not even death…
will ever separate you
from your mother…
You carry her inside of you…
From Shikeya
I love you a lot and always will. We know that you’ll always love us too, you’ll always care for us, no matter what the age. Just know no matter what you do, no one will be able to replace you.
From Jaina
Hey mom, I just want to say how much wonderful you are. You have shown me your love right from my birth.
From Farisani
Thank you mom for everything that you have done and keeping doing for me. Thank you God for having you as part of my life, you have taught me many good things, today what i have become it’s because of you.
From Tania
I don’t know how God looks like but I am cent percent sure he can’t be better than you mom. You are the person who dance with me in my happiness and holds me whenever i have fallen. You have treated me like your little doll. Space is short to pen down all feelings and memories which we both have created during journey of life. Thanks for making me to see this beautiful world.
I really missing you mom.
Happy Mother’s Day.
From Reena Dhiman
Hey mom, I thank god for having such a mom like you. You are just not like the other moms. I love you mom.
From Thandeka
My mother is so sweet
she is gentle and kind
and work by using her mind
my mother is charming
From Siti Fatin
Dear Mom
Your loving nature and your delicate words, will always flow through me like a gentle flower.
Make sure this day is your day, and rule with pure enjoyment and pure love!
From Drashti & Srushti & Amit
Dear Loving Mom…….
I Love you so much, I feel like sitting on your lap and kiss you……..
You gave me everything in my life which I needed.
Thankyou for each and every thing you did for me…..
I Love you mum
You are the best mum
From Junaid
The best thing in the world,
The thing that i like in my life,
The great thing of the God,
that’s AMMA AMMA.. [in my langauge] From Ruban Selvaraj
I love u so much mum and thanks mum for making me what I am today. May God bless u all the days of your life. Loving you always.
Kumbu and Kay
To My Mama,
You are so Sweet and Nice. You are Loving and Funny. Thank you for taking care of me. I wish you have a very happy Mother’s Day. I love you so much.
Hi Mom
I just wanna tell u that u are everything to me. May the Lord keep u under His wings always. May He give you peace.
Gloria Marobele, South Africa
Mum I take this oppotunity to say BIG Thank you for what you have made my life to be from the word go to this time. I say thank U Mum.
Patrick Obegi
I love my mother very much. ‘Mother is the name for God in the lips and hearts of little children’. ‘Love grows well with time, so does the special love for mother’.
Anum Haneef
U know I would have realised how fortunate I am 2 have a mom who is always there for me. While it’s too late for lot of things, but is not too late for me to tell u that I appreciate how loving u are. How giving you’ve been & that even though I may not always be good on showing it, I love u very much & Happy Mothers Day!
The Number One Mother
Mother you are the number one mother ever with everything you do and did for our family. We notice and appreciate your love for us as your children.
Caretha Russell
A mother who never grows old He made her smile out of sunshine
And he molded her heart out of gold
In her eyes he placed bright shining stars
In he
r cheek, roses, you see….
God made a wonderful mother
And he gave that dear mother to me
Thanks mom, luv ya lots like jelly tots
I just want to say that my mom is the best, luv u
Hey mummy love you loads and appreciate all you do. Please keep on being the best in my life.
Love you loads
Though I have not seen her for the last 7 years, she’s always in front of my eyes. My one eye bears her picture, while the other looks on to the world to which she brought me in. I hope one day I will meet her, and tell her how much i missed her. I will reborn again, when i will put my head in her lap and fall asleep again. Like she used to put me to bed during my sleepless nights. I love you and miss you with all my heart.
Hi Ma,
I just want to know that i love you so much… I thank you u for being my mom. You are our life. I am very sorry for all of the pains that I brougth to u.
I love you mama
I am so grateful and blessed for having special mother like you. I appreciate you a lot. Take care always and God bless. Wish you a good health and pleasant Happy Mother’s Day!!!
Angelo Montejo
If there would any awards for the best mother on the MOTHERS DAY I’m sure it would have gone to u my sweetest Mother. Thanks my beloved mother for what u have done for us. Love u SOOOOO much HAPPY MOTHERS DAY.
Hasnain Mehmood Lodhi
Mom you are butiful
mom you are every thing to me
mom mom mom mom MOM!
hi mommy
i just wannted to say have a happy mothers
day we all love you vvvvvvvvvvveeeeeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrrrryyyyyyyy much
and thanks for all the stuff you buy.
y Mothers Days for all mothers of universe
Ma is the great blessing of God on this universe.
Ma name hay muhabat ka, saber ka, puja ka, or bardast ka.
Ma kay bina zindgi bayronaq or bay maqsad hay, Ma he ke dua hay jo insan ko dunia main kamyab karti hay , Ma nahi to kuth nahi. as Holy Prophet(PBUH) say ” Jnnat ma kay qadmoon kay nitchay hay” if you want Heaven serve your mother always.
If there was a day for everything you have given to me as a mother, it would be Mother’s Day every day. Thanks for always helping me to remember what is important in life… and today it is you!
You’re the best! Thanks for all you do.
Boo & Colene
Mom you are my life, you are my heart. You are the best mom in the world.
Rose are red, violets are blue, Happy Mothers Day to you.
If there is any definition for God i’ll always find you in it mom. For me, u r my GOD, my every thing… u r the greatest mom in the world. To me there’s no need for mom’s day bcz every day to me is Mom’s Day. We love you mom.
Dear Mom
I want you to know that “You are as rare as diamonds and not scattered everywhere and anywhere as stones are” Your Loving daughter, friend
If I have never said thank you for being a friend I’ do it now. Thanks for always helping me remember what is important in life. You are a woman of substance, helpful, tolerent, friendly, & loving. May God bless you & your children.
From Rosina & children.
If I knew as a child what I know now, Mom, I probably wouldn’t have made things so hard for you.
I would have understood that you were looking out for my best interest.
even though it may not have seemed so at the time. I would have known how difficult it is to let go,
to stand back and let someone you love learn from their mistakes.
I would have realized how fortunate I was to have a mother who was always there for me,even after an argument,even after I’d said things I shouldn’t have.
While it’s too late for a lot of things, it’s not too late for me to tell you that I appreciate how loving you are, how giving you’ve always been and that even though I may not always be good at showing it, I love you very much.
Marilyn Njoroge
Thank You Mom
I know how often I took you for granted when I was growing up. I always assumed you’d be there when I needed you. and you always were. But I never really thought about what that meant till I got older and began to realize how often your time and energy were devoted to me. So now, for all the times I didn’t say it before, thank you, Mom…I love you so very much!
Sincerly, Kiera Monique Lyons, love always
To that dear woman in my life, hey mom, I love you, and have a great Mothers Day.
Norman Anguzu
Mommy I will always love you. Mom you are always there for me. I will always love you.
Love, Marissa
Hey Mother’s Day mean so much to me. Without a mom none of us would have been in this world Thanks To Our Mom
Love U Mom, Avita Dasrath
My Loving Mom
I wish my Mom a long life and a peace of mind in her whole life. I pray that God will prolong my Mother’s age until I will meet her again. I haven’t see my mother for a long times. I can say here Mother’s love is similar to God’s love. On the Mothers Day, I will request all sons and daughters to feel about Mother’s love, and realize her compassion for us.
God bless you Mom!
Mother you are a special person and something very sweet. I love when u call my name. It takes a mom to be a mother it takes a friend to be mom
Thank-you for being a super MOM. I thank God and the whole world that you are here with me. What a lucky daughter i am to have a MOM like you. I would like to find other ways to say i love you
but the only way I feel from my heart to say it is ” TE QUIERO CON TODO MI CORAZON”.
You are the best mom that I every had. And I mean it from the bottom of my heart. MMMMMMMomm yes i do love you, yeah yeah, yeah i do love you.
Rhonda Smith
I just call to say I love you, and I mean it from the bottom of my heart.
Steve Waller
You are our friend who lend us a hand whenever we are down and hurt. You are the shelter that we turn to whenever we are in trouble. We love u very much!!! And we are proud to say that u are our mother. “HAPPY MOTHER’S DAY”
Sheeza Rizvi and Ali Rizvi
This is to all the mothers in the universe. I can’t write in words how much my mom means to me. We kids are like a big pain for the mother.. but the way she handles us is just so amazing.. In the end i wanna say MOM I LOVE YOUUUUU
Thanks a lot for being there for me. You were always there when I needed your help. Everytime I got sick you have been there to care for me. Mom I am so proud of you. Our father has gone from this world but but we are lucky to have a mom like you.
I love you so much Mommy….mwahh..
God gives the neediest children to the mothers that are capable of the greatest love and then he leaves the outcome in the hands of this incredible woman. Will she tap into this life-sustaining gift of love and save her child or will she not recognize the gift and put the child in someone else’s hands to save? Very, very few chose the former, but when they do a circle of love is created between the mother and child that will never be penetrated, it is a blessing from God. Thank you for loving me, for sustaining my life. You are one of the very,very few. Happy Mothers Day !
I Love You, Wynne
Mother when you are dreaming I still love in my heart will always be ohh ohh i love the way you dress in my heart will always beee.
I wish i could tell you, mom
how much you mean to me…..
but there are no words to say
how much i admire you ….
how much i appreciate you..
how much i thank you
for everything you’ve done.
Kayla Pope
Happpy Mother’s Day 2 U
I Hope U Have A Good One. Love You So Much.
from Terrika,Taniya, Mia, Kaka
Hi to all mother’s in the world.. we are grateful to have you.. you are the best of all mom.
Mary Jane Gapasin
Mommy I hope all your life you have a great time and have fun with me in your life. So i’m on this website just to tell you that I love you and I always will even if it’s not a special holiday like Mother’s Day.
Love, your one and only daughter in your life time.
You are a great and loving mother. Wish you a long lfe so that you may extend your warmth and loving care to us. Just want to thank you for all the love and caring you gave us.
William Jamotillo
Mommy, I love u so much, I thank God for u. Happy Mother’s Day each day of the whole year through and may everyone have someone to love as warm and kind as you.
Mummy, you have been the best mother in the world to me. I really pray that this Mother’s Day will be a special day to you. May God bless you as you have been a real big blessing to me. I love
you lots.
Dear Grandma,
Happy Mother’s day
You are a very nice grandma. Thanks for coming to my activities and supporting me.
Love Sarah
Hi Mommy!
I love you with all My heart And I hope you Have the best mothers day!
I love you but you just dont know it and i don’t show it but i do.
Hello Mom
Mom you are so sweet. Mothers are a gift of god. My mom loves me very very much. I am cloud and my mom is star. I love my mom very much.
Yousra Ahmed
Dear mom,
You were there in my times of needs. I want to make it up to you, and this card is only one of the ways to make it up to you… i know i may not always say this … but i love you a lot . And i will always try to be there in your times of need!!!!
Hey, to everyone I would like to say mother’s out there you did so much for us you deserve something really really big, something you will never forget!
love Lucy!
I know you have gone though a lot of tough times in your life but you still managed to take good care of us and gave us good education. It takes a lot of courage, sacrifices, prayers and faith to be both father and mother. You are our hero and we are always proud of you. Thank you for praying always for my good health, safety and my success.
Dhay Alma
Dear Mom
Happy Mothers Day
Thank you for the Love, Care, Guidance and Affection.
You have enriched my life. I don’t think I can Thank You enough. I Am So Grateful To You….
Vishnu V Nair
Dear Mom
You are the best in the world I would not be here if it was not for you. That’s why I Love You.
Happy Mother Day
To all mothers like me, let’s keep on hanging there as we watch our kids growing old like us being loving, understanding and living harmoniously.
Eleanor T. Bruno
To the most awesome Mother on the planet!! You are God’s everlasting gift to both of us. Thank you for being the glue that holds our family together each and every day of our lives. You are our hero Sandy! We love you for all you are and all you strive to be. Happy Mother’s Day!
The D and D Team!
Love Jenna – Your Little Girl!!
Mom, I have always loved you… even through the worst of times.
Dear Mumma,
You have always been my strength when I was weak. No matter what occasion would it be, good or bad, happy or sad, you always had tears has a sign of deep love and concern. I thank GOD for you MUMMA.
Always yours,
My mother is no less than GOD to me. She is the only one in this world who can even do the impossible thing for her child. I thank God who blessed me with such a wonderful Mother. I always pray GOD to keep her Happy, Cheering and Healthy all the time.
To mum
Happy mothers day! I hope you have a nice day. Take care of yourself. I love you lots.
Love from Zoe
For the best MOM who always had a smile for me. I know we may be apart right now. So, here is a great hug and kiss. HAPPY MOTHER’S DAY.
Dear mom
Sometimes you make me do something that I do not what to do but I still love you.
Happy Mothers Day
My Mom Caroline Rhea Redday
I love You I mean we love u
NiCaurrah, Lisa, & Jenipher LeRoy
I love u so much and i would not be as strong as i’am at this age if it was not for u. You are the best mother in the world and i know that for sure cause there’s none like my beautiful black brave mother, love you.
Litisha Hand
Happy Mother’s Day Mom.
I love u a lot. There are no enough words to express how much u mean to me and Tandin. Even if I carry u in my back and go around the world, I know I won’t be able to repay u. I love you a lot and you mean a lot for me.
Tandin Om
It’s Mothers Day, a wonderful day, a day for you to be spoiled. Mom, may Dad shower you with gifts, and may you be treated like a queen. For all of the wonderful things that you do I wish for you a Happy Mothers Day.
Love from Gina and Hailey.
Happy Mother’s Day! Love you so much mom.
I love u mommy. U are the world best mummy. I will never forget your love.
Isaac Lee
Ur the best mum of all the mum’s in the whole wide world. Thanks for being supportive and may God the father of all nations give u all u need. Thanks a lot and we loveeeeeeeeeeeee u as you love us.
This is dedicated to my mums Petriece and Kathleen
Thank u mum. To me u r my guardian, my angel, my umbrella when it reigns, my jersey when its cold. U did everything for mea nd now that I am to have a child of my own, I just wish, hope and pray that i will be as strong, loving, loyal and great as u were, as u are…
Dariah Peta
I love you my mother from the botton the my heart.
Ana Lucia and Paulo Afonso
Mother mother dear mother whenever i see you, I see the God in you. Mother when we are angry with you, but you are never angry with us. All relations may break, but this relation will never break. This is a relationship that can never break in the world.
Yashi and Krati Jain
Thank you for all the support from the day you gave birth to us. We may seem not very vocal for what appreaciation we have for you, we have this full of gratitude and love.. For your hardship in bringing up us we couldn’t just say Thank you, but more of doing many things in action than saying a word. Always praying for your good health and happiness nanay. We all love you
I am the luckiest child on this earth because i have u in my life. Without u Maa i am nothing. Love U MAA.Rachana
Thanks mommy for everything
I love you very very much. You are my life. I asked God for a flower and he gave me a garden. I asked God for a mom and he gave me the best mom.
Mom I know I never said it before and didn’t showed it before but I love u too much. More than anything and everything I have always been careless in matters of love then my sibs but now i want to say it loud n clear.
I LOVE U Ur the best mom of the world. I can never thank u for what u have done for me but caring n lov
ing u more and more.
I love you so much. I am lucky because I have you. Some love one some love two but I love you. Happy Mothers Day!!
Roses are red violets are blue, Oh my mumma I love you too.
Hope you’re having the best day ever. We love you.
Randy, Mike, Steve
Mom gives us love and happiness. We should thank them for all this.
Babe you are the best Mom and wife. Please take the time today and reflect on us and all the accomplishments you have done in your life. You rock.
Love You
I love you Mommy.
Hi mamm. Happy Mother’s Day! I love you so much and thanks for what you have done for me. Sorry for my bad mistakes. I love you mom.
I Love you Mom! You are the best. You help me with my problem. You are my Lord, you are my heart. I love you mom. You are the best. Ilove, Ilove, Ilove, Ilove you mom.
How can I say that I care for you,
Knowing that you brought me into this life.
If there wasn’t family then there would only be you.
Dad and you becoming husband and wife.
What more could we ask for?
What I am trying to say too you,
Is I love you, You will always be adored.
This is my Mother’s day song to you.
Hi mommy
Happy Mothers Day! Thank you for always being there for me. I love you very much. You are so wonderful, I just hope that I can raise my kids the way you raised me. Thanks for all you have given me, especially a wonderful, caring, and loving father. I hope you have a wonderful day and that it is as special as you are.
Nothing much to say in words but all the stuff that mum prepares reflect the love.
Eddy Chua
Hope that my Mom will have a wonderful and great day.
I love you mommy!
How can I say I love you mom. Oh I know I just said it I Love You.
I love you mom. You are my special friend. Please mommy help me.
I love you mommy.
Maria de Lourdes
Mom I love you so much. You too have to take care of me. I know nobody can give me that kind of love which you have given me.
1+2= Mum loves you
3+4= I love you
5+6= Give me a kiss
You listen to our dreams,
You listen to our hopes,
You feel oue fears,
You are no.1
God send us angels in our mothers to watch over us because he can’t be everywhere at the same time.
You mean a lot to me mom. You are the friend who lend me a hand whenever I’m down and hurt. You are a wise person who advice me and lead me the way when I’m lost. You are the lap that keeps me warm whenever I’m cold. You are the shelter that I turn to whenever I’m in trouble. You are everything I can’t live without and everything that I want to be in the future. I’m proud to say to everyone that you are my mother.
Wishing You the best on Mothers Day. Hope you, Natash and Dipesh have a very nice day. You Deserve to be pampered because you’re the best. Some people were brought to earth to inspire and you do that so well. That’s what is so fascinating about you. Happy Mother’s Day!
To Mummy
Happy mothers day!
Love you.
A very Happy Mother’s Day from one mother to another.
Love Sarah
I love my mommy
I love you dear mother. Yes I love you. You mean a lot to me. For I couldn’t live without you. Always there beside me to catch me when I fall. We should always be together. Never ever apart.
Mums are so special.
Mums are like angels they look after you watch you grow but most importantly they love you.
I love you mummy. I really do. Will you love me too?
I love you mummy lots & lots every day.
Helen & James
Mum I love you so much. I know I have hurt you a lot as I’ve made so many stupid mistakes but I am really sorry. I come and lie in your lap but its because I miss you. I miss being mummy’s little baby. These past few days seeing you hurt made me feel so weak and helpless because mummy I love you so much. I know I ain’t the best daughter in the world but your the best mum anyone could ever wish for. I love you so much. Happy Mothers Day!
Sana Aslam
I love you mum.
M is for the million things she gives me.
O means only that she’s soft to hold.
T for the things she tries to teach me.
H is for her heart of purest gold.
E for her eyes with love light shining.
R means right and right she’ll always be.
Happy Mothers Day mum. Sorry I can’t buy you anything but I just want you to know I love you more than anything in the world. Have a great day!
Happy Mothers Day Mom. I love you so much. Don’t you ever change because I love you the way you are. You are the best thing in my life and I don’t know what I would do without you. I just wanted to say Happy Mothers Day to my lovely mom.
Molly Holty
Roses are red,
Diamond are blue,
I am so happy to have you.
I love you mum!
Mum I love u more than words can say. I just want to wish u a HAPPY MOTHERS DAY. Mum you are the most wonderful mum anyone could have. You’ve been there for me through the bad times and the good too.I want to say thanks mum.
All my Love.
Your youngest daughter
To Mum
Happy Mothers Day! On this day, you should stay in bed till late. I’ll bring up your breakfast and cup of tea in bed. When you get up you can have an easy day ahead after all you are the one that gave birth to me, brought me in to this world and looked after me for these last 17 years.
Lots of love
I could feel it mum that I Love You.
I love you Mom.
Ahmed Fawzi
Thanx for being the best mum Eva.
There are loads of people in this world but the one and one who will always be with you is your mummy. Never let her go. Keep her always at the top. We all love our mummys. I love my mummy very much.
Thank you so much mum for helping me throughout my life. There are times when I disagree with you but I have to admit most of the time you are always there for me. Love you soooo much.
Your daughter Lea
I love you Mom.
I love you Mummy
Love Maddy
My lovely mother,
I love you! Mom, you mean so much to me. I’ll never forget you in my life. No matter what I become in life you will always be my champion. I love you so much.
Adeyemi kehinde olajumoke
You gave me the gift of life and the gift of love. All I can do is to show how much love I can return you all my life.
Love forever & always your baby Lulu.
Dearest mom
You are the most precious person in my life. I can never express my feelings to you but still I say that I have loved you, you are still very close to my heart and I will always love you. For the world you may be one person but for me you are the world!
Dear Mom,
You have been a source of eternal comfort and bliss through thick and thin. You are my inspiration. Plz mom don’t leave me ever alone. I love you truly from the bottom of my heart.
Nadia Faisal
My ever loving mom you are the greatest woman I’ve ever met. So please be my mom forever!!
I love you Mom.
You always helped me through all the bad times and the happy too.
I don’t know what I would do without you!
Dear M
I felt guilty in every sin I do. But I know you love me as I love you. Co’z ma you are my super hero.
Your daughter,
Chriza Mae
Salute To My Mother
Musical ecstasy streaming steadily in dazzling amalgamation
Orchestral decibels of melodious and enthralling reverberation
Tranquilizing in Nilambari baby days with love and affection
Heavenly path of glory you directed in amazing perfection
Elated over your excellence in fine tuning our education
Rhythm of confidence you built in us to our satisfaction
Swaras and Ragas of life you carved through dedication
Divine strings and tunes integrating full immunization
Aspirations of life fulfilling in astonishing proportion
Younger generation ‘We’ jointly salute you in ovation!
Narayanan Vasudevan,Chennai
There is no velvet so soft as a mother’s lap, no rose as lovely as her smile, no path so flowery as that imprinted with her footsteps.
Love you Ma and Happy Mother’s Day
We love you mom with all our hearts, thank you for bringing us into this world to be with you. We love you mom. Joyce I love you too. We have had some bad times together, but we have to learn to get along. If we love each other our love will keep us together. Mom I also want to thank you for the great siblings you have given to me.
Dan & Your Kids
Dear Mom
A rose isn’t everything a rose is the color of blood a rose is not more than me. Love u mom!
Happy Mother’s Day to the best mom in the World. I love you very much so tell me what you want for Mother’s Day.
You are so cool.
You are the best.
You have brought me up since I was little.
I just don’t now how to thank you the way you deserve.
Matilda Young
If there happened to be a day for everything you have given to me as a mother, it would be Mother’s Day every day. Thanks for always helping me to remember what is important in life. You’re the best!
Thanks for all you do.
You are the greatest mother and I’m glad to be you daughter I love you so much mom and I wish you a Happy Mother’s Day.
Laura Garcia
Mommy I love you!
Big thanks for all your unfailing sacrifices and the unconditional love you’ve been giving us! We are so lucky and blessed to have you, a precious mom, in our lives!!
Happy Mothers Day!!
Mothers are the most precious gifts from God to us. They help us solve our problems and courageously face our tough life. Mother’s Day is our opportunity to honour our mothers for their love, affection, care, hard-work and sacrifice. So let’s all join hands and give our moms the sweetest memories.
Kaveri Manoharan
If I knew as a child what I know now, Mom, I probably wouldn’t have made things so hard for you. I would have understood that you were looking out for my best interest even though it may not have seemed so at the time. I would have known how difficult it is to let go, to stand back and let someone you love learn from their mistakes. I would have realized how fortunate I was to have a mother who was always there for me, even after an argument, even after I’d said things I shouldn’t have. While it’s too late for a lot of things it’s not too late for me to tell you that I appreciate how loving you are, how giving you’ve always been and that even though I may not always be good at showing it, I love you very much.
To my mom,
Happy Mother’s Day. I know that you have sacrificed a lot for us. Through this message, we would like to thank you!!
I love you so much. You are the best in the world. I wish you a Happy Mothers Day and I hope you like the present that Bret and me made for you.
I just wanted to say that my mommy is the best mom in the world and she taught me to be the same.
Shaqueen Mccloud
If tears could build a stairway and memory a lane we would walk right to heaven and bring you home again.
Dedicated to my mom
The Late Mrs Cleora Dean
From Her Daughter
Linda Dean
Dear Mommy
Thank u for taking care of me. I always remember there isn’t a day in a year that you are not special to me mama. You and our whole family are the best gift to me by the almighty. I love u.
This is a day for me to tell you how much I love You. You gave the gift of life to me and then in love you set me free. I thank you for your tender care and for deep warm hugs.
I Love You Mom
Your Daughter
There isn’t a day that you aren’t special to me maa. Happy Mother’s Day. I love you.
Julie Ann
I love u mom, u are the best person in my life. I could not be in this world without u. I love u. Happy mother’s day.
You are so sweet and nice. You are loving and funny. I wish you have a nice mother’s day.
I have lots of stuff for you.
Love Nikki
Mothers are angels just like those above. We should thank them for the patience, protection and love. No other person could be so caring and warm. Truly mothers are angels in human form. Love you mom.
Damary Rodriguez
Happy early Mother’s Day mommy! I hope you have a special day!
I Love you, Love
Your arms were always there when I needed a hug. Your heart understood when I needed a friend. Your gentle eyes wee stern when I needed a lesson. Your strength and love has guided me and gave me wings to fly (well i m still trying to fly). Mom, for many years we never really “got along” but lately I have relised that I missed out on a true friends guidence and advise. As i write this message to you i m still growing wings to try and make it in this world, to try and make a better life for Jordyn and myself. And I now know that or should I say, got rid of all the negitive people around me (Paul). And with your guidence and both your’s and dad’s love, I am going to make it.
Love You Now And Always, thank you for always being there for my child as well as yours.
Kerry Lee
M – Mother that gives love to her child in return of time spent together
O – Over protective because she wants to know that you are safe
T – Takes her time to ask if something is wrong
H – Helps fix mistakes you made
E – Every time you r sad she tries to make you cheer up
R – Relives experiences you have to go through & she will always be there for you
If there was a day for everything you have given to me as a mother, it would be Mother’s Day, every day. Thanks for always helping me to remember what is important in life and today it is you! You’re the best! Thanks for all you do.
Iyanna Lonon
Mum, Oh mum
I love u so much that I can’t bear to part with you even for a second. But my duty as a student calls. I really miss you and i wish that I can see you all the time. But one thing I can promise you….. and that is….. I will always be your little girl no matter what!!! You are my friend, my sister, my life and my soul!!! I promise you that this Mother’s Day will be the best one you ever had!!
Luv Ya
Sanja Sanjay
If I never said thank you for bringing me into the world I’d like to do that now. If there was everything I have ever receive it is you mother.
Thanks for all you do
I love you mom
Mother, mother, mother, mother,
What can I do without her
Mother, mother, mother, mother,
How can I live without her
Mother, mother, mother, mother,
I’m the only person in your heart.
You’re the only person in my heart.
Mother, mother, mother, mothe
God made a wonderful mother
A mother who never grows old He made her smile out of sunshine
And he molded her heart out of gold
In her eyes he placed bright shining stars
In her cheek, roses, you see….
God made a wonderful mother
And he gave that dear mother to me
Thanks mom, luv ya lots like jelly tots
I just want to say that my mom is the best, luv u
Dear Mum,
You are like a cuddly bear, soft and cuddly for us to share.
When I’m alone and feeling down, Only one persons love is all around,
With the comfort of your love, I feel higher than the clouds above
You are my only one. You are always there waiting for me. Thank you for all of your hard work, all of these years!
Dear Mum,
You are the best mum in the whole wide world. I wish you were my real mum, but this will have to do.
Lot of love
Katy Van Kempen
You have the sweetest smile that there could ever be and most of all I love you for always loving me!
I have grown up with out a mother but have a very super step-mum. She has made my great father in to a very great man.
I love you lots
Sheena Louise Shaw
Mom, you are the greatest! Thanks for all you do. Please know how much you are loved and appreciated.
Hudson, Ma
Mum although we haven’t always been close, she has always been there through thick and through thin and through child birth. Love you lots mum even though I don’t say it enough. HUGS MY MUM
Kathaleen Keira
Mom, it’s been 2 years this month since you passed away. I miss you so much.
You were my best friend. Your love and compassion is with me everyday. I miss our weekends conversations. My dream about you seemed so real. But I couldn’t take you home with me.
You are always on my heart.
Angie Blankinship
The World’s Greatest Mother
You are the anchor of my life. My greatest support. I know that even if everybody leaves me, and there are no friends left with me, You will be there. Your blessings are the greatest asset of my life, with these I can face any hardships, climb every mountain.
May God give you happiness, health and a very long life. We always need you around Mummy.
Thanks a lot for forgiving all my temper tantrums and still loving me.
Your daughter
She is always there for everyone, no questions asked. She is kind, loving, beautiful and the best thing about her is she’s mine. Love you mum.
Dear Mummy
Thanks a lot for all you have done for me. I miss you a lot. I wish I could always be there with you.
Love you always.
Pradeep Dhaka

Comments 8
my mami ji ms anjali pradhan is world best my > she is god gifiting only for me…..♥♥♥♥
meri zindagi teri dan ha ma
meri armaan bhi teri dan ha ma
tum mera sabsa kimti gahna ho ma
tera diya sanskar hi mari pahchan ha ma
tera to hr janm ka karjdar ha ma
ma ak shaswat sach jo khna ko sirf mara apna ha ma
‘ma i m sory for my mistakes’ i loves by deep of my heart
hApPy “MOM’s DAY”…..lUv U sOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOo MuCh MoM…….
please can anyone here send me nice poems for my husband
hi salaam to you all first i want to say great poems here,please is there any siters here that i can request for some poems to be sent to me please give me email address,i want for my husband i miss him sooooooooooo muchhhhh thanks wasa laam
mother is another name of god
1+2=I luv u
3+4=Hope u 2
5+6=Give me a kiss