Friends like you are rare indeed
they shine just like a star
and words alone can hardly say,
how wonderful and special you are
With you beside my friend
I have seen my world becoming
a beautiful place….My dreams
turning into reality
It takes time to build a castle,
It takes longer to make a friend
Happy Friendship Day to a friend
where friendship is more precious
than the richest castle
Friendship is never an accident…
it is something one has to nurture
over the years. I hope every year
our friendship becomes stronger
A true friend is not like the RAIN which pours and goes away.
A true friend is like the Air.
Sometimes silent but always around you.
Stars are far , Sun is hot, Moon is cold,
Oceans are Deep, Thats y The God Give me a Cute Friend Like U
which Stay 4ever with me,& I called to others this is my little Univers.
I hear there is no space 4 sorry
in friendship but is necessary 2
say this b’cos it realise your
faith in your friend .
FRIENDSHIP is a network
tht needs:
no recharge!
no roaming!
no validity!
no activation!
no signal problems!
juz dont switchoff ur HEART.!
Making a 1000 friends
Is not greatness?
The geatness is 2 make a
Friend WO will stand by u wen
a 1000 R against u
Every morning when
I open my eyes
I pray to God that
everyone should
have a friend like u
Why should only I suffer!
If care is wave I give u sea. If respect is a leaf I give u tree.
If Trust is a planet I give u galaxy, If friendship is life I give u myself !
Hearts could only luv for a while, feet cud only walk for a mile,
clothes won’t forever be in style but having u as my friend is forever worthwhile
No sweet thought to forward, no cute graphics to send, just a..caring heart saying….Take Care always my dear friend.

Comments 4
If care is wave I give u sea. If respect is a leaf I give u tree.
If Trust is a planet I give u galaxy, If friendship is life I give u myself
FRIENDSHIP is a network
tht needs:
no recharge!
no roaming!
no validity!
no activation!
no signal problems!
juz dont switchoff ur HEART.!
Friends give us the courage to lift the blinds on our hearts, to open up and show what we generally keep hidden from the rest of the world…
*****************************************Friends give us the strength to stand up after we have been knocked to our knees. They offer a safe haven from the storms of life…
Friendship is not how long u’ve been together, not how much u’ve given or received, not how many times u’ve helped each other, but it’s how u “value” one another…
Value the people who have touched ur life ‘coz u will never know just when they will walk out of ur life & never come back again…
U may hear nothing from me on how i appreciate u as a friend, but beyond that silence, ur friendship creates a beautiful sound in my heart…
One day we may 4get the people that once came to our lives… When that day comes.. i won’t forget u coz u didnt come 2 my life, u became a part of it…
*****************************************Having someone to remember is pleasing enough to the heart. It doesn’t matter if u remember me once in a while, what matters most is that we ‘re friends at all TIMES…