Hey Sweet,Tamanna and all the other girls,
You asked for it so i thought i will oblige!
40 Things men want from women and will ask:(compiled by khalid)
1. Express yourself. It makes us proud, even if someone thinks you are wrong.
2. You look hot in running shoes and shorts. And that top thingy with the stripes.
3. Bare, tan shoulders are underrated.
4. If you think i am speeding now, you should see me drive when you are not in the car.
5. If you are truly interested in us, dont play hard to get.
6. Shopping is a chore, not an activity.
7. When I screw up, go ahead and tell me “once.
8. No question need ever be asked through a closed bathroom door if Iam inside.I love you less with each syllable you utter.
9. i am hot for you, not your sister or your friend or your coworker.
10. My guy friends. Not only are they not negotiable,theyre your best sign that i am not a whack job.
11. dont be afraid to ditch the makeup. Natural is sexier.
12. Leave the eyebrows alone. Plucked aint pretty.
13. When the game is on, we will pay attention to you if you are nice about it. Bark, and we shut down.
14. I dont ask for directions because i am just happy to be driving. Anywhere.
15. We crave hugs and hand-holding too. And no,it doesnt always have to lead to sex.
16. I just may lie to make you feel good. dont be angry about this. You really werent looking for the truth anyway.
17. When you get angry over some stupid little pointless thing, I question your intelligence.
18. If I offer my help while you are getting ready,it means you are late.
19. Never ask me to pick out your outfit. (See above.) I will invariably get it wrong and make us even more late.
20. Giving me two or three choices, however, can be fun. Assuming you will change outfits in front of me. Slowly.
21. Err on the side of hot; I love to show you off.
22. Unless were meeting my parents.
23. When you call us at work just to chat,We are not really listening; We are checking our e-mail.
24. Spring means baseball and skirts. Doesnt need to be a mini-skirt; its been a long winter.
25. We dont mind being told we look good. Just dont call it a cute outfit.
26. We love ponytails.
27. The first time? We are as nervous as you are
28. Make us laugh and well want to hang around.
29. Yes, I laugh really loud around the guys. And I always will, so deal.
30. You can pick the movie, but have a reason.
31. Do not expect to have a conversation via text message
unless you use the words naked†and waiting.â€
32. Sometimes we wonder why any woman would want to be with us, much less someone as amazing as you. So, thanks.
33. Anytime you cook for us, We are happy.
34. No, I dont remember what he said next. Or she. Or anybody, for that matter. I am a guy, not a tape recorder.
35. We love you even more because you know we need to go out with the guys once in a while.
36. And we love it when you hang with us guys, too.
37. We have a keen sense of imminent danger.
It sounds like, Do you think shes pretty?
38. Dont rely on us for keeping you up on the news.
39. Never say, I know you better than you know yourself. Nobody does.
40.I will leave this one to your imagination! Well girls now you know !!!
By khalid.m@hotmail.co.uk on www.love104.org

Comments 27
walaikum assalam
hey khalid really thank u…..
and sweet where are u i hope u received my email id……ok byee take care waiting for u
hey sweet for sure i’ll love to chat with u….hope from now we’ll be very good friends…….take care dear …..my good wishes are always with you….hope u have a gmail id if not then let me know……
Dear Sweet,
You got to look at relationships on a case to case basis…..
As I mentioned ,,every guy is different…..
And if the relationship has reached maturity level then
good understanding is always there…..
Yahh ,,there r some guyzz who want this all the time…..
I mean who don’t like to be pampered……
All I personally feel is that having space to breathe in a realtionship is important in the long run…..
Relationships should mature with time…..
Thank you for your reply.I am so glad
that you are already doing all this for
your guy!He is a lucky guy!Because i
know not every one gets this special
You have all my good wishes for you
and your guy,and keep up the excellent
work that you are already doing!!!
Hey Tamana give me you email id we can chat there ? if you want to that is ….. take care let me know Sweet Na
Soory to say but point 2 i did not really get, what kind of top ? sorry a bit of fool dont know that lol take care Sweet
Amarjeet Nahi bura nahi laga speak your mind yes its true when u have that strong understanding you dont have to text all day throughout the day i mean but some guys really want that and if u dont they text u instead, soo that waht i think but waht u said its true for some guys or not?
Firstly yes Khalid girls would do that, and how i know is because i do that so i know that it works, lol, is liye to pata hai ke guys like this warna mujhey kaha pata hota, sacha pyar karte ho to kiyo nahi of course karte log, achi cheez hai apna partner ko dikhana…..Sweet
Kaun bataae kya hai haqeeqat aur bina afsana kya
Dil ki basti kya basti hai basna kya lut jana kya
I like it! Thats how i would like to
see a girl do for her man.
Theres nothing more that would make
me happier then to see two people in
love like that!Trust me Tamanna i am
speaking from my heart.
I pray for you that you find some one
who would love you the way you would!
hiiiiiiiiiii i like this site from my heart because the sms are very good interested people can call me byeeeeeeeeeee.
yaa khuda teri ibaadat me maine,
kaun sa gunah farmaya,
ke tune dil to diya lekin,
andaaz -e -dillagi nahi sikhaya
thank you soo much khalid for all ur good wishes….i wish the same for you….aur haan aap shayari bahot achi likhte ho.. all the best…i wish your blessings for me come true…
I totally agree with your comments
made.As a guy i can tell you that
your suggestions are very valuable!
In real life you do need to do that.
Hey Sweet
Its great meri dost.It must have taken
you long time to write all that.
Full marks for your effort!
One thing i would like to know,may be
one of you girls here can tell me.
Is there a girl here who would do all
that for her guy?Find bit hard to digest
in the real world! And i dont mean that
guys are all saints either.
How wonderfull dream worlds are but in
khalid dear…
hope you wont take my opinion as an argument….
sweet.. one more time i’ll like to comment dear its just perfect and so loving..god bless u …all the best to all of you…..
khalid i’ll like to answer your question u asked ……yaa sure a girl will do this if she’s really in love with that guy…its not a dream i have seen people who really love each other…atleast 1 can try …..but i really agree to all what sweet says..i will surely try to behave and love my man this way if ever i fall in love…..its not always a dream sometimes its reality also dear……
Heyy Sweet,
Very good posting here…….
And dear I hope I did not offend u in anyway…..
If I did……my apologies…..
One thing for sure if a guy really likes you he will be there no matter what……
First impressions do count but it is your personality later that pulls you thru relationships……
Texting thru out the day is ok initially but once you have got close to a guy…..give him his space……
he will appreciate that very much….
Don’t ever cling on to him too much…..
Have your own things to do and interests…..
guyzz appreciate girls who are a little independent too……
And don’t always check on your guyzz….
it can reflect insecurity on your part…..
otherwise ofcourse do tell them how much you love them…..
1 Sweet
Oct 31st, 2008 at 12:03 am Edit
Hey thanks Tamana for liking my post i thought it was pretty good but i wrote it maybe thats why, please all give comment on it, it will help me? take care Sweet Na
2 Sweet
Oct 30th, 2008 at 9:15 pm Edit
Hey Tamana i am back and i have posted the 60 things i think read it and let me know what you think ? Sweet
3 Sweet
Oct 30th, 2008 at 9:14 pm Edit
Hey Amarjeet i actually agree with you lol no disagreements, being simple is not just the way you dress but the way you talk, think the way you present yourself, definetly