To tell you from above or beneath, here or tomorrow that always your love is to me like a precious stone
My love for you is like with the fury of Mount Vesuvius, always burning
You are like a open door of happiness overflowing each time I look into your eyes
Be it day or night, your love is always my beacon to now and forever
Like a calendar has no zero, so is how impossible my love for you will ever lie fallow
I can love no one else no sooner than I can stop my heart beat because you make it beat
I love you much more than all loving words put together can ever convey
You are the worthwhile bliss ever worth more than a thousand sunlight
I love you with a love that will never be lost in passion
Have at my heart love, for in hot heart is where I gain a happy store, my lover
If loving is what you want, just come and I’ll promise you eternal fill of it
I love you with the wholeness of the sail in my heart and body
The day I stop loving you less, is the day I’ll ever start breathing less
You are my lover and life, and with you is no eyes left for another
Your love to me is like a fever anyways burning
Loving you is like being infused in the dew of joyous glow
Joust and contest, I don’t care, so long as your love for me never wanes, my might for you will always stand
You are the every reason I love the person I am now
When night comes to taunt my heart destitute of you, I call forth your name and like magic your lovely face fill my mind space
Loving you is forever my most treasured treasure
I love you with the wholeness of all I cherish most of life
In you is all things fair that life can ever gift to me
Your love is a dividend of fate promise to me that I’ll be lacking of all things good
You are too me, a dream come true
The lull in the shaky storm that rages my heart is what you are to me
As long as the the sky is atop the earth will your love be atop my heart and nothing else
I will love you so much as long as your love makes me the happiest person on earth as it always does
Your love makes the soils in my heart yield fruits of love like gardens
Kept to never again ask a thing is what your love has done to me because loving you answers all my every other want
Thorough bliss of a thousand angel is how you make me feel
Many times I feel you are like an angel that escaped to earth for my sake alone
The like of you on earth is never again going to be because you love me with a heart that is unmatched
Unexplainable, is how I feel to name how your love wrap me in joy
I will like seas to shore never leave you because I am fated to love you always
Night and day, Dark or light, come what may, your love will stay forever in my heart
You are more to me than the welcome of a thousand suns that I’ll forever appreciate
Your love to me is like that best meal, I’ll never tire of

Heeren Tanna
Hum Jale To Chirag SamaJh Baithe, Mehke To Sab Gulaab SamaJh Baithe,
Lafzo Me Kisi Ne Mere Dard Na Dekha,Shayri Padhi Aur Shayar SamaJh Baithe.