20 Years Back & Today – Has Anything Changed in Our Life

Photo by Everton Vila

Have a look at what’s have changed in 20 years- or you can say in 15 years!!

20 years back – School bag.
Today – Office bag.


20 years back – A notebook
Today – HP Note book

20 years back – Hero Ranger
Today = Hero Honda

20 years back – Half Pants
Today – Full Pants

20 years back – Playing with plastic cars running on battery
Today – Playing with metal car running on petrol

20 years back – Scared of teachers and exams!
Today – Scared of Bosses and targets

20 years back – Wanting to be the class topper
Today – Wanting to be the employee of the month

20 years back – Quarterly Exams
Today – Quarterly results

20 years back – Annual Exams
Today – Annual appraisals

20 years back – Pocket Money
Today – Salary

20 years back – Eagerly Waiting for Diwali crackers
Today – Eagerly waiting for Diwali Bonus

20 years back – Craving for the latest toy in the market
Today – Craving for the latest gadget in the market

So did you realize nothing has changed.


Comments 5

  1. yuvraj saini says:

    Very nice

  2. Dipesh Dutta says:

    Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii I m dipesh From Guwahati,
    Super collection, real facts.

    keep it up yaaaarrrr

  3. Yugandhar says:

    Super collection, real facts. πŸ™‚

    keep it up yaaaarrrr

  4. baala says:

    Good one…A lot has changed though-fruity and whiskey is a big change.

  5. priyank says:

    good message of 20 year

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