English Friendship SMS

Friends are the Best “CALCULATOR”.
They help 2 add “JOY” , Minus “FEAR”,
Multiply “HAPPINESS” & Divide”GRIEF”.
Thanks 4 being my “CALCULATOR”!!!!!!



There are many stars but the moon is u,
There are many friends but the best is u,
To forget me that’s up to u,
To forget u I will never ever do.


It takes two to tango, two to kiss, two to talk & reminisce.
So many good things come in pair & one of those things is ME n YOU!


Treat life as sea,
your heart as sea-shore,
And friend as waves.
It never matters how many waves are there,
What matter is which one touches the shore.


Don’t love a friend like a flower,
Because a flower dies in season.
Love them like a river,
Because a river flows forever.


Wonderful people r carefully created by god,
Wonderful moments are carefully planned by god,
Wonderful friends like u are carefully gifted by god.


Star are seen together,
Yet they are so far apart,
True friends may not speak everyday but
Remember they are always linked heart 2 heart.

Hearts could only luv for a while,
Feet could only walk for a mile,
Clothes won’t forever be in style
But having u as my friend is forever worthwhile.

Friendship is evergreen

Ice is a cream, love is a dream but friendship is evergreen.
Don’t make friends before understanding & don’t break a friendship after misunderstanding.

True friends stays forever

Good friends care for each other.
Close friends understand each Other.
And true friends stays forever beyond words, beyond time.



Comments 1

  1. tappu says:

    There are many stars but the moon is u,
    There are many friends but the best is u,
    To forget me that’s up to u,
    To forget u I will never ever do.

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